Join Us For a Very Special Breathwork Night with Scott Stabile Thursday, July 27th from 6-7:30 PM CT
I am so excited to have my dear friend and brother, Scott Stabile, join me Thursday night for a breath work journey. Last summer he took me through a breath experience that was so incredibly powerful - I was so honored when he agreed to share his gifts and guidance with our community. All paid subscribers are welcome!
*This will be recorded so don’t let the timing stop you! So excited to be with you my friend!
Join Ruthie and Big Love and Enough as You Are author, Scott Stabile, for an online, guided breathwork journey and sharing circle.
From Scott:
“The breathwork practice I guide can be unpredictable (in the most wonderful ways). I’ve learned to trust where the journey takes me, even if I'm not always clear why I'm going there. I've learned to trust it because of how I tend to feel during and/or on the other side of the journey: relaxed, peaceful, grounded, aligned, clear, you get the picture. And frequently the experience feels holy, divine, like being cradled by Spirit, held in the most loving and beautiful light, reminded of my oneness with all that is, given access to the light of my soul. It is just so extraordinarily beautiful when this happens. The breath takes me to places within myself that are always there and too often buried by this busy, insane world, and by my busy, insane mind. The breath reminds me I am love, and joy, and creativity, and possibility. It reminds me I am not bound to my stories, or to my wounds. That healing really is possible. As is peace with wherever I am along the path to it. This specific breathwork practice is, for me, the most dynamic, surprising and life-affirming tool I've been exposed to so far.
We’ll gather for ninety minutes. To begin, I’ll introduce the practice, we’ll set intentions, and I’ll guide everyone in a brief meditation to get us grounded and ready to breathe. The next 45 minutes will include the breathwork journey and relaxation that follows. After that, we’ll circle up and give each other an opportunity to share whatever we feel called to share about the journey.
Breath is life. It is one of the most powerful tools we've got to create healing in all aspects of our reality. Being able to guide people through a breathwork journey is one of the great joys of my life right now.”
We look forward to seeing you at there!
*Preparation details will be sent out before the session.
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