Hi beautiful friends, I saw this quote recently and I feel like it has been lovingly overtaking my thoughts. I do not know about you but I have felt all of those feelings so often in my life. Disheartened, Dispirited and Depressed. I learned as early as I can remember to numb my feelings and emotions with TV, food, the approval of others, and then MANY other things as I got older.
I feel like my mid to upper thirties began the great “thawing” of so many stuck emotions in my body. At times, it has been incredibly overwhelming to experience emotions as deeply as I do. Learning to be with those big emotions and not numbing them is my constant work.
I would have told you, until my mid-thirties, that I never got angry, only sad! Even after my husband left me and ended up with my dear friend, I truly believed that story! HA! Trust me when I say, my body felt ANGER, I just did not know how to tap into it, feel it, much less move it! This has been such huge work for me these past four to five years and it is ongoing.
I loved to dance as a kid and I have always adored music. Last weekend my soul sisters Hillary McBride and Lisa Gungor were in town and stayed with me for a few days. They hosted a 5 Rhythms Dance experience. I realized I had not danced much the past few months and my body was deeply craving it. I had a very heavy and overwhelming February and March and I have felt that pain deeply in my body. Allowing myself to dance, scream, cry, moan, growl, and move the way my body longs to move, feels like the greatest medicine ever!
Movement and expression are so crucial for our animal bodies. We learn to stuff it all down so young. No wonder we are feeling such pain, anxiety, and depression in our bodies!
I only share with you what I have deeply needed for myself (and continue to need, as this is lifelong unlearning and remembering work!!!) I love mirroring to you your divinity, wholeness, and worthiness, simply because you exist
I am so excited to share that on May 23 from 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm central I am offering a FREE SACRED REBEL workshop for women, where we will dive into expression, learning practices to bring radical self-love to the parts that we have been taught are “bad, dirty, or sinful”. Especially to those parts! We will learn emotional release techniques to move stuck and frozen emotions through your body. Nervous system healing tools and more! I would be so honored to have you join us!
I can’t wait to be with you next week!
I love you, I love us! Every part of you belongs here, Ruthie
Upcoming Event: Ask Ruthie - May 29th, 2024 12:30 pm-1:30 pm
Join Ruthie on the 29th for an exclusive Q&A where you'll get the chance to ask anything and everything you've ever wanted to know, nothing is off the table! Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with Ruthie.
This event is part of Love’s Invitation paid subscription (only $6/Month). If you would like to join, click the link below and return to this post to register!