Hello friend,
I have been really loving studying the divine masculine and the divine feminine. We all carry both within us. Both are so deeply needed and balancing to each other.
Unfortunately, we are living in a patriarchal society and are taught so many toxic stories about who we should be as women–how we should look, behave, and speak; that our sexuality is bad, dirty, sinful, etc. A woman in her full power is VERY intimidating to the toxic male patriarchal world we live in, so we are shamed and shut down constantly.
All of my work and offerings are highly informed through the feminine way. I love it so much. The grounded divine feminine way is grounded and led with love. We have healthy boundaries, filled with compassion, we magnetize, we are abundant, we flow, we are radiant, filled with wisdom, and are all about the beginnings. We also are so connected with Mother Earth. Remembering the land of the earth is a reflection of the land of our bodies, when we are disconnected from one, we are disconnected from the other.
I will never forget one of my teachers, Londin Angel Winters, teaching me about how the divine masculine is like the soul. Like the eagle in Father Sky seeing the bigger picture, it remembers that everything belongs, we all come to earth and then we die. He is very zoomed out. This makes me think of my best friend, Jedidiah Jenkins. He is always a million miles up seeing the bigger picture of everything from way up above.
I recently heard a talk by David Deida where he was explaining how the masculine connects to the divine through meditation. This made so much sense to me because they can literally leave their bodies and go up to Father Sky and forget they even have a body.
The feminine on the other hand experiences the divine through our bodies.
This was such a huge aha moment for me because I have struggled to find a meditation practice to stick with and I never enjoyed it. On the other hand, I can get up and dance or sit at a tea ceremony and feel like I am one with all things, humans, God, plants, etc. because it’s all happening through my body and my senses.
Again, we all carry both the masculine and the feminine within ourselves and the wisest old souls I have ever met in this life hold both very equally. So there are plenty of women that love to meditate and plenty of men that love to connect to the divine through embodiment practices. Both are so needed on our journeys to stay balanced.
I have loved implementing these practices in the work that I do. I am very guided by the feminine path and that basically means anything that I offer or teach has a huge embodiment component. This work has changed my life and I feel so honored to get the opportunity to watch it change the lives of the women I have the honor of working with. There’s so much more for me to explore, learn and remember but I am so dedicated to this path. It feels like the most loving and healing medicine, and I’m glad I get to share it with you.
With love,
Keep reading to see what’s coming up in the Love’s Invitation community!
1:1 Love Reflection Series starting again in June
I have a few spots left for my 6-week container that is starting in mid-June. If you are interested in doing one-on-one work with me, here is your chance! I’d love to have you. Learn more about the offering and sign up here.
Full Moon Ritual this Sunday!
We will gather for our full moon ritual this Sunday, May 15, 5-6 PM CST for all paying subscribers. It will be a beautiful chance to release all that is no longer serving you. I’ve really loved gathering with all of you at our past events. I feel like we are creating a beautiful space together, and I look forward to this time with you on Sunday!
Our next Love’s Invitation podcast is in the works! A convo with Marlee Grace!
I can’t wait to share Marlee with y’all! If you don’t know their work, go get to know them. And please, send in any questions you’d like to ask. We’ll choose a few to dive into!
A sweet chat about embodied healing…
I recently talked with my friend Mary Jelkovsky on her podcast, chatting more about this part of my story and the embodiment practices I’ve used in my journey.