What We Thought Was the Tomb Was Actually the Womb.
Rebirthing to a Truer Version of You
I’ve had so many deaths and rebirths in his life, one actual physical death in this body. And what I’ve seen over and over is everything that I thought would kill me, actually opened me up to the more expressive, truer version of myself - what felt like dying was actually conditioning and ego parts of me that I put on for belonging and love.
That doesn’t mean I haven’t had to grieve and mourn the past versions of me that are no longer here. I will not ever be the same, but all the deaths I’ve had in this life have brought rebirths. And I truly believe when we die, we go back to source, to our eternal state with no more pain body (until we come back as a different person in a different body) so even then it’s never truly the end.
Whatever you’re going through right now, as painful and traumatic as it may be, I promise that this is not the end of your story. It’s an invitation to remember your true essence of who you are without the conditioning, the stories, and the masks we have worn to belong. In the same breath, I am so deeply sorry you are hurting precious soul.
I have been thinking so much about that saying, “what we thought was the tomb was actually the womb”. Even believing that with every part of me, I still forget it. I can get so scared when parts of me die or when things change. The unknown can still terrify me, I believe that’s a very human reaction, so I constantly tell myself even though I am so scared, I am also so brave.
I have so many things changing in my life. My life as a single person and doing whatever I want when I want with who I want has drastically changed, which I am so grateful for. But it also is a death of a way of life I have had for a very long time. My partner is currently moving in and we know we went to spend our lives together. We are both thrilled and so hopeful AND it’s EFFING TERRIFYING! Life as I have known it will forever be changed.
We are meant to grow and change and expand. That is so loving and we get to be so human and feel all the things that come up while moving through transitions and changes.
Every metaphorical death I have had in this life has ultimately brought new life, expansion, and growth and I honestly wouldn’t change any of it. Though it has felt beyond brutal at times. The parts of me that died away were always my conditioning, ego parts, and so many masks I have worn for belonging. Those were never really me to begin with.
Thank God for all that has died away, it opened me to such a truer version of me.
I would love to hear from you about parts of you that felt like death when they went away to only discover it was bringing you home to a truer version of you. I believe that process is such a massive part of the human experience.
Sending you all so much love, so grateful to be on this earth school journey with you!
Keep reading for:
Upcoming workshops & offerings with me.
A New Moon Ritual.
Now Offering: Love Reflection Sessions - 6 Month Containers!
I am so excited to offer my container for 6 months now! I have tried 2 and 3 months, and as special as that was, so many ended up signing up for a second container because we felt like we were just digging into so many of the core wounds and having real breakthroughs right when it was time to close the container.
I was so unwell mentally, physically, and emotionally for a majority of my life and thankfully that sent me on a path of trying SO MANY different styles of healing. It helped me build quite the toolkit of practices that have brought the deepest shifts in my life. Learning how to bring radical self compassion and care to myself, to the places of deep shame and self loathing has been instrumental in my healing journey, as has learning to embody myself, to be in this present moment. All of this comes through practice and it is ongoing.
I like to think that this container is a place of deep remembrance and unlearning. Unlearning of all the stories of what is so “wrong” with us and remembering our worth and divinity simply because we exist. This is our birthright, joy and pleasure and feeling all of your feelings, is your birthright!
I would be so deeply honored to go on this remembering journey with you, precious soul. It would be a true privilege to mirror to you how loved you are, how you are love! I have 4 spots available. If you are interested or curious about this container, below is a link for a free explore call. Learn more here and apply for a free discovery call →
A New Moon Ritual Just For You!
We are coming upon the New Moon for this month in just a few days. New Moons are a wonderful time to go inwards, set intentions for the upcoming month, and reflect lovingly on what the past few weeks has brought you.
It’s always a nice time to create space for ritual, like the one below!
I invite you to sit with a cup of tea, a journal, and a cozy blanket, and write freely. Whether its intentions for this month, loving affirmations towards yourself, or expression in the form of poem or song, allow your pen to dance freely! And then put on a few of your favorite songs and dance the night away! Allowing your body to move freely. This is one of my favorite things and is a great way to connect with the body and free up space for the New Moon energy!
If you’re needing a few tunes to move along to, below are a few of my favorites.
Enjoy, precious ones!
Your article was like a wake up call, though I believe somewhere I was always aware of this. I am going through a hard time now. I have been going through hard times for the 42 years of my existence, but I feel now is the catharsis.
I’ve been thinking along these themes as well. Death/rebirth, metamorphosis, growth. A song that resonates so deeply with me is Dying by The Bengsons. Do you know it? Thank you for continuing to pour into this community. So excited for you in your next chapter. ❤️