I am SO excited to share with ya'll that this Wednesday my dear friend, Allison Fallon, will be leading us through a writer’s workshop to help write your story. This is for everyone, not just those wanting to write a book. Her work is so incredibly powerful! I had the honor of doing a one-on-one intensive with her before I started writing my book and WOW, was it profoundly helpful and expansive.
Writing our stories is one of the most transformative ways we can begin to understand our lives and what our particular journey is trying to teach us here in earth school. It's incredibly therapeutic, and also serves as inspiration for others so they know they’re not alone.
I am thrilled to share my profound friend with you! She really is a treasure.
Read below from Allison!
"I’ve been working in publishing and with authors for nearly 15 years and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s this: it’s human instinct to tell our stories. The authors and aspiring authors I’ve worked with do it for all kinds of “other” reasons. They write their story because a publisher asks them to, as a strategy to grow their business, a way to position themselves as an expert, or because they can’t seem to help but write. But whether you have any plans to publish or not, I believe the impulse to write your story is about far more than selling copies or hitting a bestsellers list. The impulse to write your story is about understanding what your life is trying to teach you. Writing about your life can fun, fulfilling, and it can be like really cheap therapy (as a side note, it’s always an amazing way to inspire others). So come along as we mine your life story for all the wisdom it has to offer and discover how interesting your story has been all along."
Allison Fallon is an award winning author, sought after public speaker, and nationally recognized writing coach. She has coached hundreds of thousands of writers - from NYT Bestselling authors to total beginners to help them finally get their books written and on shelves. Her most recent project — called Write Your Story — helps everyday people turn their life experiences into stories that heal and inspire. She lives in Nashville, TN with her husband and two young kids.
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