Your Nervous System + Money
Learning to Regulate for Money Expansion
I love that so many of y’all signed up for the call with Kate last week. What that tells me is I’m not alone on my journey of unlearning so many of the money stories I’ve come to believe! The more I talk about it, the more I realize that it’s SO COMMON to hold these unsupportive narratives around money, yet most of us aren’t talking about it because of shame and fear. We know it’s one of the main issues that come up in relationships, yet it remains a taboo thing for us to talk about. I’m so over that narrative!
I love talking about money and really believe that old adage, ‘what we pay attention to grows’. Well, for most of my life, I had my head in the sand about it because I was terrified. We avoid what we’re scared of, which only makes it feel worse! I had a business manager sending me monthly reports for years and I’d only open about 20% of them because of fear and shame. No more!
What I love love love about Kate is how much she incorporates the nervous system into her teachings. So often this piece is left out when we talk about money. In the 3D world, people believe we need to have all these systems in place - things like retirement, QuickBooks, CDs, investing, and savings - or else we’re “totally screwed”. Then there’s the more woo-woo camp (which I definitely find myself in) that believes the way you think and talk about money is equivalent to the amount of abundance in your life, and helps you understand how you see your worth.
The truth is, we need both AND we need to include our nervous system in the equation. That’s the most important part! If we feel completely dysregulated in our bodies and only focus on saying positive mantras like “I am wealthy, I am abundance” - it’s not going to help. We can't mantra our way into believing we’re abundant when we feel dysregulated and panic in our nervous system.
I’m so grateful to Kate for teaching me about the importance of the nervous system when it comes to money because now when I feel overwhelmed in my body, I’ll utilize a few regulating techniques - like getting up and shaking, crossing my arms and tapping on the opposite arm, screaming into a pillow, dancing, or putting my feet on the earth - and THEN I’ll set up a little container for myself to do the thing that feels really hard to me.
For example, after doing a nervous system practice, I’ll set a timer to do the thing that scares me, sometimes it's only 15 minutes (I’ve learned I can do anything for 15 minutes). I light a candle and then open the email that overwhelms me, or write the hard text. Once that alarm goes off, I’ll do another nervous system calming practice, blow out my candle, and go about my day. In the past, I’d need to do those practices just to look at my bank account! Now it feels fun to look at it, but it used to terrify me and make me feel ashamed!
I’m so excited because one of my greatest teachers, Kate Northrup, is offering a FREE 3-day Workshop October 16th - 18th, all about cultivating a greater relationship with money. I can't put into words how much my world has changed from working with her! I really want financial freedom and ease for everyone and I believe it truly is our birthright! If you’re able to attend, I highly recommend it (and know, it will be recorded if you can’t make it live).
More to come on this subject. Love you all!
X Ruthie
This week’s resources:
Here are a few books that I have loved around this topic:
Unleashing the Soul of Money, by Lynne Twist
Rewire for Wealth, by Barbara Stanny
You Are A Badass At Making Money, By Jen Sincero
And a song you might like if you you feel like rewriting your money story as you dance:
Keep reading for:
Mind and Body Workshop with Jedidiah Jenkins
Writing and Embodiment Workshop with Jedidiah Jenkins and Ruthie Lindsey
Friday, October 13th-15th
Only a few days left to join!
Jed and Ruthie team up with a weekend workshop to tackle our futures, our direction, and what our bodies are telling us.
What are your plans for the next two years? Write a book? Start a company? Figure out what you’re good at?
Distraction is direction, and if you don’t stop once-in-a-while and take inventory of yourself, your desires, and how you spend your time, it can be impossible to feel any sense of intention over your life.
We also know that "knowledge is a rumor until it lives in the muscle". Every experience we have ever had happened in our bodies but most of us do not know how to be in our bodies. We live mostly in our heads. We fear the future and regret the past and rarely do we feel and embrace the moment. Without understanding how to bring our experiences into the body, our subconscious, wounded parts will take the driver’s seat of our lives without our knowledge.
Jed will lead us in writing exercises, future articulation, and hikes (obviously).
Ruthie will teach us tools in self love, body kindness, story integration, and more.
Over the weekend of October 13-15th, we’ll gather in Los Angeles, CA and write together, laugh together, hike together, talk together, and try to figure out what the heck we’re doing with our one-and-only lives.
Pricing: $444