Apr 2Liked by ruthie lindsey

Love this. I stopped three months before you, maybe something was in the air. :) I started with Annie Grace's - "This Naked Mind" and the incredible Laura McKowen's "We Are The Luckiest". It's been such a wild ride. One of the strangest parts is being present for everything since, so it feels like just yesterday but also a million years in between. It's truly a gift, thanks for sharing your journey.

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Apr 2Liked by ruthie lindsey

Love you! Happy 15 months+ happy to have a sober curious friend in you

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Wow Ruthie, awesome job! You go!! I read Quit Like a Woman last summer after you mentioned it in a previous post. It truly changed how I view alcohol. I instantly became sober curious and decided after a few drinks on NYE to see how living without it in 2024 goes. I haven't had anything since and it's been so refreshing. For me, being sober eliminated the decisions I had to make: should I drink at this party and if so, how many? Should I order a cocktail before dinner and then have wine with the meal? Nagging questions. Now, there is no question. It's so freeing!

I read this line in a blog post once about being sober: "Alcohol doesn't make you more fun. You are already quite charming." I recite it when thoughts of drinking pop into my head. Remember that, my friends -- you're already quite charming!

Thank you, Ruthie, for the inspiration!

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